Register your Loyalty Card

If you would like to sign up to our Loyalty scheme simply register below or head into your local branch. We have made this as simple as possible, we do ask for a phone number and postcode so it makes it easier to look you up on the system.


What does a Loyalty Card Get you?

Once your card has been registered you will receive points on everything you spend, special offers around the site and if you choose to receive the emails you will also get a monthly email with jobs to do know, what’s happening at Hudsons and also another offer.

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Growing Your Own Strawberries

Growing Your Own Strawberries

Keep fruit well watered especially during more hot and sunny spells. The first strawberries are now beginning to crop, if you are home growing your own strawberries here are some great tips. Surround the plants with straw to keep the fruit off the soil. If the weather...

Warmer Weather Watering

Warmer Weather Watering

Watering is essential once the weather gets warmer and drier. It’s a great idea to water thoroughly a couple of times a week instead of little and often. This will encourage your plants to put down roots in search of water rather than coming up to the surface. Hanging...

Hanging Basket Refills

Hanging Basket Refills

Did you know we do customer hanging basket refills? So if you have your own & want us to plant them up for you... then bring them in! You can specify what you like, what you don’t like & Taylor make them!Just another reason to come along to the Hudsons plant...